Creative Welly Episode #34 | Bernadette Casey & Tan Huynh

Courageous conversations with bold humans (from the most creative little capital in the world).

Bernadette Casey, Textile and circular economy specialist

Co-Founder of UsedFULLY which leads Aotearoa-New Zealand’s transition to a to a low carbon, circular economy by implementing new technologies and business models at scale. Ensuring the full value of textile resources are maximised, to minimise the impacts of what we clothe and protect ourselves with. A frequent guest speaker on Stewardship and the Environment from a clothing perspective, she has presented her research on systemic change and circular systems at a number of international conferences, including the Global Fashion Conference. An Edmund Hillary Fellow she was awarded a University of Liverpool Dissertation of the Year for her Masters research into ethical purchasing. Bernadette believes the most effective way to solve our greatest challenges is through collaboration.

Tan Huynh – Manager, Impact Investing Network

Tan’s varied background has taken him across startups, corporate and government in diverse sectors such as investment, technology, creative, economic development and education. He has delivered major projects across New Zealand, Australia, the US, the UK and Vietnam. The underlying theme is growing the capability and scale of enterprises and sectors through strategic investment and economic development initiatives.

He has successfully raised investments for impact enterprises, previously at crowdfunding platform PledgeMe. Tan works with the Impact Investing Network to connect, educate and advocate for the growth of the impact investing sector in Aotearoa New Zealand. He’s also at the Ākina Foundation, coaching organisations to scale their positive social and environmental impact with investment.

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