Creative Welly Episode #44 | Jenny Cameron & Chris Jackson

Courageous conversations with bold humans (from the most creative little capital in the world).

Jenny Cameron, Chief Transformation Officer, Ministry for Primary Industries – connector and stubborn optimist for people-centred solutions

I really enjoy jobs that draw on my ability to bring people together to effect system change. I like to connect people together who seek solutions, with nature and humans at the heart. I thrive on working on gnarly issues that are at the nexus of where regulatory and social intersect – drawing on my psychology and legal background.

A consummate Gemini, I like to converse, debate, and relish being thrown in at the deep end. I’ve been a lawyer, a diplomat, I’ve worked in the brewing, electricity, and dairy sectors. My current role is Chief Transformation Officer for the Fit for a Better World vision for Aotearoa New Zealand’s food and fibre sectors in the Ministry for Primary Industries. In some of our biggest challenges are our greatest opportunities.

Chris Jackson, Strategist, Foresight Practitioner, Designer, Researcher, Artist, Coach, Writer, Skateboarder, Business Owner

When you don’t know where you are going, are unsure about what the future holds or dealing with a complex, strategic challenge – that’s where I come in.

I thrive in spaces where others have been but have yet to figure out. I’ve got a slightly dented toolbox that’s two decades old. In it, you’ll find a socket set from futures thinking, a collection of design screwdrivers, some research chisels and lots of strategic hand-saws.

Whether you’re a CEO, a middle manager, or a design practitioner, I’ve helped you and your organisation before. But it’s probably in an adjacent sector.

And that’s the difference.

Connecting the dots to understand your ever-changing operating landscape to embed change that sticks.

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Creative Welly Episode #12 | Melissa Clark-Reynolds & Cesar Piotto

Courageous conversations with bold humans (from the most creative little capital in the world).

Melissa Clark-Reynolds – Futurist

Melissa Clark Reynolds ONZM, ChMInstD became a Foresight Practitioner and Professional Director after 25 years as a technology entrepreneur and CEO.

She sits on the boards of Little Yellow Bird, Jasmax, and Atkins Ranch. Melissa was previously Deputy Chair of Radio NZ, the first independent Director of Beef & Lamb NZ. Melissa has been part of the Te Hono Primary Sector Bootcamp at Stanford University twice.

She trained as a Foresight Practitioner with The Institute for the Future in Palo Alto and with Clayton Christiansen in his approach to Disruptive Innovation through HBX.

She loves the sea and keeps bees.

Cesar Piotto – Chief Executive, Wellington Cable Car

Cesar leads an incredible team at Wellingtons iconic landmark, the Cable Car. Having joined the team when NZ moved to Alert Level 3 in May 2020, Cesar has a passion for redesigning business systems to improve the user experience, utilise technology and drive growth.

Driven by an inability to say no to a challenge, Cesar relocated to China in 2015 with his family to configure operations for the new Ski Resort in readiness for the 2022 winter Olympics.

Since returning to New Zealand in 2017, Cesar has lived and worked in Queenstown, Ruapehu and now calls Wellington home. Cesar connects with his community and has been involved in TEDxQueenstown and Civil Defence during the COVID-19 pandemic response.

Cesar continues to balance work, study, projects and spending time with his family & skiing.

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Creative Welly Episode #8 | Lindy Nelson & Clive Spink

Courageous conversations with bold humans (from the most creative little capital in the world).

Lindy Nelson, Founded AWDTNZ and AmplyfyingUs: a Podcast in service to the mission.

Food producer, AWDT Founder, Researcher, and ardent supporter of women. She is a visionary leader who has followed her heart-unafraid to tackle challengers and is driven to make a difference to the NZ Primary Industry.

Creating the Agri Women’s Development Trust has led to a transformation in NZ’s food and agricultural sector through unleashing the talent of women.

She believes women hold the key to supporting and leading much of the change that needs to happen globally, and is active around the world supporting women’s empowerment. She has spoken at APEC as well as offering strategic advice to the Scottish Government on empowering women in agriculture.

She is a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to agriculture and women, 2013 Next Business Woman of the Year and named by Primary Magazine as one of the top ten women in agriculture.

Clive Spink, Chief Executive Pūkeko Pictures

Clive Spink is the Chief Executive Officer of Pukeko Pictures.  He is responsible for the growth of the business and its development and production momentum. 

Clive has over 25 years experience in major commercial deal structuring across multiple industries and regions.

His role at Pukeko involves leading and shaping of all major commercial transactions, he serves as an Executive Producer for Thunderbirds, WotWots, Kiddets and is responsible for setting and executing strategies.

During his time at Pukeko he has lead the establishment of a number of global firsts including the first ever Co Production between China and the world, and then extending this to the first Official three way Co Production between China, Canada and NZ.

Clive is a chartered Accountant and a member of Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand.

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