Creative Welly Episode #26 | Glenis Hiria Philip-Barbara & Sam Trubridge

Courageous conversations with bold humans (from the most creative little capital in the world).

Glenis Hiria Philip-Barbara, Assistant Māori Commissioner for Children, Ngāti Porou/Ngāti Uepōhatu

Glenis has committed a lifetime to the restoration and recovery of matauranga Māori (Māori knowledge systems) as a direct response to the impact of colonisation on her whānau, hapū, iwi and the wider community. 

Her thirty year career serving the public sector, iwi and community has been primarily focused on bringing Te Tiriti o Waitangi to life in practical ways in order to address chronic disparities between Pakeha New Zealanders and Māori peoples across all measures of well-being. 

Glenis has been on a mission of late to figure out how to help end racism in Aotearoa and help create the conditions for peaceful co-existence for our collective mokopuna.

Sam Trubridge, Director, Designer, and Performance Artist

Sam Trubridge is founding director of The Performance Arcade: a festival of performance art on Wellington Waterfront that is attended by 60-90,000 people each year since 2011.

His exciting career has involved making performance art underwater in The Bahamas and Croatia; running a festival of NZ theatre in New York; collaborating with sleep scientists; staging productions in swimming pools, carparks and paddocks; and presenting work in London, Prague, Rome, Florence, Kyoto, Rio, Melbourne, and Sydney.

He is currently senior design tutor at Toi Whakaari O Aotearoa: NZ Drama School.

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Creative Welly Episode #22 | Jane Guy & Brian Lucid

Courageous conversations with bold humans (from the most creative little capital in the world).

Jane Guy, Women’s Business coach, blogger and podcaster.

I’m Jane waving, a UK born citizen of Aotearoa. I am a lover of connecting with people and the sparks that that creates. After 20 years, I have worked with high risk young people and families in both England and New Zealand. A variety of non-profit organisations who specialise in Family and Sexual Violence, Mental Health and young peoples sexual health.

I then launched a blogging and podcasting business and 2021 I now have a womens coaching and programme business where we create safe spaces for women to learn about business online. And I also have a four year old (hardest job in the world).

Brian Lucid, Professor of Interaction Design / Head of School, Ngā Pae Māhutonga / Wellington School of Design

Brian Lucid is a designer and educator whose creative practise is centred upon conceptualising and implementing tools that facilitate creativity and decision-making.

Today, Brian consults on some of the world’s most popular cloud-based online services. His clients include U.S. government agencies, Fortune 500 technology companies, global consumer product manufacturers, cultural institutions, and emerging start-ups.

Brian leads Ngā Pae Māhutonga, the Wellington School of Design at Massey University. He oversees a 135-year-old research-led comprehensive design programme that ranks in the world’s top 100 Art and Design schools. Ngā Pae Māhutonga’s research and curriculum are concentrated upon the impact­ful application of design to uplift people and planet, with an emphasis placed on critically examining the complex problems facing Aotearoa.

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Creative Welly Episode #17 | Victoria Spackman & Mark Bradford

Courageous conversations with bold humans (from the most creative little capital in the world).

Victoria Spackman ONZM

Victoria Spackman ONZM is an independent director and leader based in Wellington, New Zealand. She is recognised as one of New Zealand’s most influential business women and advocates for the creative and arts sectors. She is currently Chair of high-growth trans-Tasman technology company Ackama Group, on the Board and Audit and Risk Committee of Manapou ki te Ao Education New Zealand (a Ministerial appointment) and is chairing the interim establishment board of the Toi Mai Workforce Development Council, which serves the creative, cultural, technology and recreation sectors.

Recent executive roles include Manager Legal and Procurement of Greater Wellington Regional Council and founding executive Director of Te Auaha New Zealand Institute of Creativity, where she established a tertiary education facility teaching 1000+ students every year in the creative industries including film, music, theatre, writing, dance, digital media and more. Prior to that, Victoria was Chief Executive of Gibson Group, one of New Zealand’s largest and longest standing screen and visitor experience production companies which exports to Australia, China, America, Europe and beyond. Victoria led a management buyout of that company in 2014 and remains a shareholder and director.

Dr Mark Bradford, Senior Lecturer, Massey University, Ngā Pae Māhutonga Wellington School of Design

Dr Mark Bradford is a designer and academic at Massey University, Ngā Pae Māhutonga Wellington School of Design in Wellington, New Zealand. Mark has a PhD in Business from Massey Business School.

His interdisciplinary research investigates how design(ing) action is increasingly enacted relationally between people. Through his PhD research process – inspired by the Japanese martial art of Aikidō – he designed the ‘BeWeDō® framework.’ BeWeDō is a unique way of enabling people to feel heard through designing inclusive spaces where physical movement amplifies thinking, enriches exchange and transforms conversations into action. Everyone’s voice matters.

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